Artículos en revistas científicas (peer-review):
2016. Loving it but not feeling it yet? The state of European identity after the eastern enlargement, European Union Politics, 17(3). En co-autoría con Besir Ceka, Davidson College, NC. (Revista incluida en JCR, Political Science Q1, Impact Factor: 1.754, Ranking: Political Science 27 out of 163, 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.410)
2015. Unconditional support? The Euro-Crisis and Institutional Trust in New Member States of the EU, Politeja, 5 (37), 321-344.
2014. La identidad europea en el sur de Europa. Un análisis comparado de las percepciones de las élites y opinión pública en España y Portugal, Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 36 (Noviembre 2014), 89-114.
En co-autoría con Rafael Vázquez García
Capítulos de libro:
(en prensa). Shades of Europeanness: Whiteness, East-West migration and European citizenship. In Borderlands in European Gender Studies: Theorizing the East-West Frontier (Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality), Teresa Kulawik, Renata Ingbrandt y Zhanna Kravchenko, eds. New York: Routledge.
2016. Still Euro-optimists? European Identity among Spanish and Portuguese Elites and Public Opinion. In Iberian Elites and the EU: Perceptions of European Integration among Political and Socio-Economic Elites in Portugal and Spain, Miguel Jerez Mir, José Real Dato and Rafael Vázquez García, eds. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 57-84. ISBN: 978-84-338-5838-2.
Co-authored with Rafael Vázquez García and Miguel Jerez Mir.
2014. Spain. In Party Attitudes towards the EU in Member States, Parties for Europe, Parties against Europe, Nicoló Conti, ed. Routledge Advances in European Politics. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-62231-8.
En co-autoría con Rafael Vázquez García and Santiago Delgado.
2013. The Enlarged EU in a Globalized World: A Comparative Analysis of Elite and Public Opinion Support for a Common European Foreign Policy. In The EU as a Global Power in the Making? Europe’s present and future role in a changing world, Astrid B. Boening, Jan-Frederik Kremer, and Aukje van Loon, eds. Berlin: Springer. ISBN: 978-3642324116.
En co-autoría con Rafael Vázquez García.
2012. Negotiating the borders of Europe from the Margins: European Citizenship and Identity after the Eastern Enlargements. In: Quilting Stories, Essays in Honor of Prof. Elzbieta Oleksy, Marek M. Wojtaszek and Edyta Just, eds. Lodz: University of Lodz Press. ISBN: 978-8375257489.
2012. Differentiated integration, differentiated identification? Perceptions of European identity across Europe. In Multi-Speed Europe with different levels of integration, Andreas Keller and Tobias Baumgartner, eds. Zürich: Schulthess Juristische Medien AG, 101-129. ISBN: 978-3-7255-6670-9.
En co-autoría con Rafael Vázquez García.
2011. Hablando entre “nosotras” o entrevistado a “ellas”? Autoreflexividad, interseccionalidad y conocimientos situados en el contexto de una investigación cualitativa feminista [Talking among “us” or interviewing “them”? Reflexivity, intersectionality and situated knowledges in the context of a qualitative feminist research]. In Tras las huellas de los que se fueron. Metodología interdisciplinar en el estudio de las migraciones, Arun Kumar Acharya y María Elena Jarquín Sánchez, eds. Mexico: UNAM, 29-56. ISBN: 978-607-433-726-2
2011. Dimensions of European Identification among Elites: An Exploratory Study within the Enlarged EU. In The Nexus between Democracy, Collective Identity Formation and Enlargement, Petra Guasti, Jessie Hronesova, Zdenka Mansfeldova, eds. Prague: National Institute for Social Sciences. Co-authored with Rafael Vázquez García, 95-115. ISBN 978-80-7330-198-9
2011. Mujeres y ciudadanía. Repensando el Estado desde las perspectivas feministas [Women and Citizenship: Re-thinking the State from Feminist Perspectives]. In Teorías Actuales del Estado Contemporáneo, Rafael Vázquez García, ed. Granada: Editorial de la Universidad de Granada, 203-218. ISBN: 978-8433851949.
2009. ¿Mujeres, inmigrantes/europeas/ciudadanas? La identidad europea de las trabajadoras domésticas polacas en España [Women, Migrants/Europeans/Citizens? European Identity of Polish Domestic Workers in Spain]. En Identidades femeninas en un mundo plural, María Elena Jaime de Pablos, ed. Sevilla: Arcibel Editores, 759-765. ISBN: 978-84-96980-81-5
2008. Between the Country of Origin and the Country of Reception: an Intersectional Analysis of the Situation of Moroccan Women in Spain. In New Subjectivities: Negotiating Citizenship in the Context of Migration and Diversity, Dorota Golanska and Aleksandra Rozalska, eds.Lodz: Lodz University Press, 119-134. ISBN: 978-83-7525-241-5
Tesis doctoral:
2015. “We, the New Citizens of Europe”: European identity in Central and Eastern European Member States of the European Union. Determinants, Contents and Consequences. Granada: Universidad de Granada. ISBN: 9788491250562
Otras publicaciones:
2013. Poland – a Surveillance Eldorado? Security, Privacy, and New Technologies in Polish Leading Newspapers (2010-2013). Seconomics Discussion Papers 2013/3. Prague: Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-80-7330-238-2