I am very happy to announce that the book Borderlands in European Gender Studies, Beyond the East-West Frontier, edited by Teresa Kulawik (Södertörn University) and Zhanna Kravchenko (Södertörn University) to which I have contributed a chapter on whiteness and European citizenship in the context of East-West mobility. The book is part of the series Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality, and according to the reviewers it is:
“A brilliant and challenging critique of hegemonic East/West, North/South, and three-world narrative cartographies of feminist theory from the positionality and epistemic lens of the Eastern European borderlands and post-state socialism. Theorizing Eastern Europe and the Balkans as the European “Other”, Borderlands traces a “cartography of absences” and makes a compelling argument for the significance of multiple, relational boundaries and borderlands as fundamental to a newly inclusive and capacious radical feminist project. A book that belongs on the bookshelves of all radical scholar-activists engaged in struggles for gender and economic justice globally.” –
Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University.
“This is a stunning and important critique. It brings a new perspective to the history of post-state socialism, thus “provincializing” the story Western academic feminism has long told about itself. The introduction provides a compelling reassessment of the terms of (Western) feminist theory, exposing its debt to Cold War epistemologies. The essays nicely demonstrate how new knowledge can be produced when the boundaries between East and West are courageously transgressed.” – Joan Wallach Scott, Professor Emerita at the School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University.